
We are a multi-generational community seeking to know God and make Him known.

Sugar Grove Free Methodist Church (SG Free!) in Sugar Grove, Pennsylvania is a vibrant congregation of imperfect and quite ordinary people who are seeking to follow the way of Jesus and be His hands and feet in the world.

From thrift shops and food pantries to carnivals and childcare - we believe that the saving, holistic love of Jesus is better when demonstrated than just talked about.

Join our new small group study: Practicing the Way

Beginning Sunday, February 16th, Pastor PJ will be leading a new 8-week study called Practicing the Way, based on the book of the same name by author John Mark Comer. The class will take place in the church cafe at 6pm. Call the church to sign up!

Ways we do Community:

Church is not a building, it’s a community! We practice community in a few different ways each week.

We know that following Jesus is not something we can do alone, so our church exists as a family of believers who are on a journey of faith together.

church (noun) Greek ekklesia:
——— a called-out assembly or congregation

  • The large, corporate gathering of our church community every weekend happens on Sundays at 10am at our church building. Our gathering is always centered on worshipping God through song and prayer and connecting with others (and snacks and coffee)!

  • Small groups are the lifeblood of our church! We have many different groups (usually about 7-12 people) meeting throughout the week to hang out, read Scripture, and do life together.

  • We exist to reflect the goodness of God to our little town and beyond. Serving together is one way that we can grow together in our purpose. By working alongside each other and coming in contact with the reality of the world, we grow.

  • During the school year, we offer a community meal and evening programming for families.

Join our Kids’ Ministry for a fun camping adventure every Wednesday night.


Our Location

We are located at 210 Jamestown Street in Sugar Grove, PA.