Small Groups

There’s an ancient proverb that says, “If you want to go fast, go alone. But if you want to go far, go together.”

Following Jesus is a long spiritual journey that was never meant to be a solo day trip. The only way that we can truly sustain the faith journey is when we travel with others.

That's why we have connect groups - small groups of 5 to 12 people who meet every week to get to know God and each other more deeply in order to grow on our journey. Some groups meet at homes and others meet at our church building, but all of our groups are focused on community and studying God’s Word together.

There are so many great opportunities all week for people of all ages to get connected in a group. For more info on joining a group below, you can contact the church office for more information.

Small Group
Discussion Questions
for this week:

  1. What’s been the high point of your week?

  2. What questions came up as you listened to the sermon this week? What did you find interesting?

  3. Rank your prayer life on a scale from 1-10 (1 being non-existent and 10 being so connected with God that you can finish each other’s sentences!). Explain.

  4. Is prayer something that comes easily to you or not? Why do you think that is?

  5. What do you think is the point of prayer?

  6. Read Matthew 6:5-13.

  7. What are some things we learn about prayer in this passage?

  8. It seems as though utter reliance on God is a mark of powerful prayer. What makes praying in this way a challenge?

  9. Is there something you can do to make ‘having more time for prayer’ move from good intention to action?

  10. What step of faith could you take this week to help you live out the truth of this message?

Teen Girls’ Group

Time: 9:00am on Sunday mornings
Place: Church classroom
Led by Laura Bauer

Sunday Night Group

Time: 6:00pm on Sunday evenings
Place: The Hoffman’s house
Led by Angie & Ryan Hoffman

Connected Threads Group

Time: 6:30pm on 1st & 3rd Mondays
Place: Church café
Led by Rhonda Thompson

Young Men’s Group

Time: 7:30pm on Monday evenings
Place: Church café
Led by Pastor PJ

Women’s Group

Time: 2:00pm on Wednesday afternoons
Place: Church café
Led by Debbie Pring

Women’s Group

Time: 6:30pm on Thursday evenings
Place: Church café
Led by Laura Bauer

Grief Share Group

Time: 6:00pm on Tuesday evenings
Place: Church café
Led by Angie & Ryan Hoffman and Misty Wilson

SG Free Teens

Time: 6:00-7:30pm on Wednesday evenings
Place: Church gym
Led by Sarah King

Women’s Group

Time: 9:30am on Wednesday mornings
Place: Church café
Led by Joyce Onink

Wednesday Night Group

Time: 6:30pm on Wednesday evenings
Place: The Bloomgren’s house
Led by Jerry & Debbie Bloomgren

Youngsville Small Group

Time: 6:00 - 7:30pm on Sunday evenings
Place: Chuck & Terri Riel’s home in Youngsville
Led by Chuck & Terri Riel

Men’s Group

Time: 8:00am on Sunday mornings
Place: Church café
Led by Billy Hughes